The Weatheralls Primary School

Year 4- Mrs Hill & Mrs Deal

Class Teachers

Mrs Deal (Monday & Tuesday)

Mrs Hill (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Cox – TA (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri)

Mrs Davey - TA (Mon, Tues & Weds)

Mrs Hunt - HLTA (Weds, Thurs, Fri)

Mrs Werecka – TA (Mon am, Tues am, Weds am, Thurs am, Fri am)

Welcome to Year 4! Mrs Deal teaches the class Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Hill teaches Wednesday to Friday.  Our TAs are Mrs Cox, Mrs Davey, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Werecka. Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays, although children should have their PE kits in school everyday. Mrs Hunt is our HLTA who teaches the class during PPA time on a Wednesday afternoon.

Our Learning in Autumn Term

Below is an overview for the Spring Term 2025.

Whole-Class Reading The Write Stuff Handwriting
  • Butterfly Lion
  • The Tunnel
  • Non-fiction Script: Once Upon a Raindrop
  • The River by Valerie Bloom – poetry
  • Narrative Friendship and hope – The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse
  • Size
  • Proportion
  • Spacing
  • Fluency & Speed
Maths (WR) KIRFs (Key Instant Recal  Facts for Mathematics) CUSP Science
  • Multiplication and division
  • Length and perimeter
  • Fractions
  • Decimals

Spr 1 - the multiplication and division facts for the 7 & 11 times table.

Spr 2 - doubles of numbers to 50.


Animals, including humans
Art and Design (KAPOW) Computing (NCCE) CUSP Design and Technology

Sculpture & 3D: Mega materials

  • Programming A – Repetition in Shapes
  • Data and Information – Data Logging
  • Textiles (fastenings)
  • Structures (stability)
CUSP Geography CUSP History Music (Charanga)

The Water Cycle

Latitude and longitude

Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor

  • Lean on Me
  • Yr 3/4 production
MfL (iLanguages) PE (Real PE) PSHE



Numbers 1-31

French maths


Cognitive & Creative units

Sports hall athletics


  • Financial Capability
  • Working Together
P4C Empathy Books RE (Discovery RE)


Naughty Land

The Tunnel

  • How to Heal a Broken Wing
  • The Queen Engineer
  • Buddhism (Compassion)
  • Christianity (Easter/Salvation)

We have lots to look forward to this academic year:

Times Table Check (MTC)

In Year 4, every child takes a national test to check their times table knowledge. This will take place in June 2025. They are set 25 random questions (computer generated) up to 12x12 and have 6 seconds to answer each one. It is crucial that the children spend time each week practising their tables. Useful websites to support this are:

Maths Frame -

Information for parents about this year's MTC can be found at 

Times Table Rock Stars - (Every child has a login for this)

Residential Visit

This term, we have the exciting opportunity to take the children for an overnight visit to Burwell House. The cost will include meals and two action packed days of activities. 

Brass lessons

In the summer term, the children will have the opportunity to learn the cornet. The instruments are provided for them free of charge through the Brass Roots project across Staploe Education Trust and a weekly tutor will come in and teach them how to play.

Curriculum Map

y4 yearly overview 2024 2025.pdf